Tips On Commuting With Baby

Whether your babe is a newborn or toddler, as long as she’s healthy there’s no reason not to burst forth and enjoy a beautiful summer day together. With so much to explore and do, getting outside with baby is a great way to boost those feel-good hormones from all of that glorious sunshine.


Your baby will need the same number of layers you will need to wear—if you’re packing a jacket, bring one for baby too. Use sun sense and opt for light clothing with UV protection or a UV-blocking stroller shade.

Avoid direct sunlight, especially if your baby is a newborn, says Dr. Laura Jana, at her blog. “It is not recommended under most instances to use sunscreen for new babies.”

And just because your burgeoning toddler wants to walk now doesn’t mean she’ll keep that up for long. Bring along the stroller or push toy to avoid having to carry her all the way back home.


If you’re a new mom or a mom in a new town, it’s time to visit, where you can join local mommy groups for play dates, music classes and more.

For more than 40 years, moms have also brought their youngsters to Mothers of Preschoolers ( groups to enjoy a light brunch, motivational or community speaker and to complete a craft project all while their little ones get their own special time under expert care in a MOPPETS program.

Right now, there are 14.3 million moms in the US with children ages 6 or younger. MOPS organizers believe “when you impact a mom, you impact her family and ultimately the world. Better moms make a better world.”

pack it up

There’s nothing better than a picnic in the park with baby. Just remember, she’s even more susceptible to the effects of food-borne illnesses, so follow these safety tips from the FDA.

Chill out

Put your picnic perishables first in the refrigerator to thoroughly chill before packing them in your insulated cooler. Alternate food topped with ice packs to keep the internal temperature at 40°F or colder. You’ll know it’s safe when you also pack a food thermometer.

Drink up

Pack beverages in their own cooler. Even when it’s warm outside baby will still appreciate your breastmilk and you’ll need plenty of water to stay hydrated when sweating in the sun.

Time out

Don’t let perishable foods sit out in temps of 40-89°F for more than 2 hours; 1 hour or less if it’s 90°F or more. Discard potentially bad food if you’re unsure of how long it has lingered.

Also read: Traveling With Your Baby


The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) promotes the health of women and newborns.

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