Giant eyes. Chubby cheeks. Adorable smile. Explosive tantrums. Welcome to the “Terrific Twos.” It’s the start of an exciting and chaotic time. Two-year-olds make you fawn over their cuteness and stress over their sudden independence. How do you navigate this stage that’s so wonderful and challenging?
Rapid Toddler Growth
Your baby grows rapidly from 18 months to about 3.5 years old. They’re learning boundaries and testing them. Create space for age-appropriate independence so they can explore the world around them.
Safe Space for Exploration
Safe exploration for a toddler will look different for each child even when in the same household. To avoid a toddler meltdown from not letting them color the walls with permanent markers, setup an artistic center. Cover a wall in their room with paper and let them use washable paint, toddler-safe markers, or an easy peel-n-stick chalkboard wallpaper. Be creative and have fun! Let go of some control. It’ll be great for your toddler’s emerging sense of self and your mental sanity.
Schedule Toddler Rest and Snacks
Who does your baby turn into when they don’t get their full nap? Plan your schedule around your baby’s needs as best you can. Try not to interrupt their nap or scheduled mealtimes. Plan your outings and run errands when you know your baby won’t be too hungry or tired otherwise they’ll be easily agitated. Pack a hearty snack so they’re not grabbing at everything in the store.
Develop a Toddler Sleeping Routine
Good sleep hygiene is an important skill to master early on in life. You can start by establishing good habits of ensuring your baby is well-rested with minimal interruptions. My mother-in-love always says, “Sleep begets sleep” and that has rung true over time. It means that a well-rested child is a better sleeper overall. In fact, you and your terrific two-year-old should be well-rested to navigate the challenges of learning and going through daily interactions.
Go Outside!
There’s something calming about being able to enjoy natural spaces. Fresh air, the sound of running water, clear skies, birds chirping…use these natural environments to allow your little one to explore and give everyone room to stretch out their legs!
Playgrounds are also great spaces for two-year-olds. Try different play locations to build family memories. Your little one learns to trust their favorite grown-up and you get the benefit of spending quality time together.
Give Grace
If you’ve tried all the ideas you know and nothing calms your baby, give yourself some grace. Remember everyone is new to these moments and if you have older children each one is different. Your two-year-old is not acting out to be cruel or because they’re spoiled. Talk to your toddler to understand what they need because they’re learning to communicate. Respond with love, empathy, and patience to better your relationship.
It’s important to note kids won’t always remember what we say, but they’ll remember our reactions. Model the behavior you want your child to use, they’ll reflect those qualities back to you.
The old adage is true: the days are long but the years are short. You’ll look back on these tough days and laugh at the smiles and giggles. The memories of the great times they learned something new will far outlast the yelling from being told no. Remember two things can exist at the same time: this is a challenging season and you will make it through.
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