Your Preemie’s First Year

Many preemie parents feel like one father, who admitted, “When we took our little 4-pound baby girl home, [she had been in the hospital 14 weeks] we were thinking, ‘well, now she’ll just be like a normal baby girl.’

We had no idea what the next year would be like.”

Since every child born is a unique individual, and every preemie’s condition depends on so many different variables, it’s impossible to precisely predict what you may encounter during your preemie’s first year at home. So, let’s just tackle the top 3 questions asked by most preemie parents about this time.

1. When will my baby “catch up” to their age group?

Typically, the younger your baby was at birth (gestational weeks), the more time they will need to “catch up” to peers in terms of developmental milestones.

Experts estimate some micro-preemies (born at 24-28 weeks gestation) may take 2-3 years to catch up. Much depends on their health at birth and since that time, any medical challenges, and their care and wellbeing at home.

Say your child was born at 30 weeks rather than at term—around 40 weeks—then they may need an additional 10 weeks to reach normal newborn milestones. So, for example, instead of sitting up by themself at 6 months, your child may wait until 8½ months to accomplish this task. And they may not tolerate solid foods until after 8 months as prematurity effects every system within a baby’s body, including their digestive system.

READ OUR BABY SKINCARE ARTICLES: Newborn Skin Care Basics plus Bathing & Moisturizing Baby’s Skin

2. Will my baby need extra doctor appointments?

Generally, yes. If your baby is a preemie, they will be followed more closely by their healthcare provider through the first year of their life.

If they were born at a very low birth weight (less than 3 pounds), was on a ventilator for more than 2 days, or was in critical condition for more than a few days, baby will need even more follow up with their care providers.

Your baby may also be referred to other healthcare providers, such as pediatric developmental specialists, physical or occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, gastrointestinal specialists, pulmonologists, or ophthalmologists. Of course, if baby was born with another specific problem (e.g. cardiac), there will be a specialist to match!

READ THESE BABY BATHING ARTICLES: Splish, Splash in a Safe Baby Bath plus How To Bathe Your Premature Baby

3. How can I protect my baby from infection?

Breastmilk is the first line of defense for any baby. The antibodies contained in breastmilk will help protect baby for those first critical 3 months. Afterward, in a full term baby, their natural antibodies begin to develop throughout the first year.

For a preemie, this process is also premature. Baby’s gestational age at birth and their individual challenges play a big part in determining how long you will need to be hyper-vigilant about avoiding infection. Although it is unrealistic to keep baby in a bubble, some precautions are wise:

  • Keep baby’s environment as healthy as possible: Ask guests to STAY AWAY if they have or have recently had a cold, flu or sniffles, or even if they “just don’t feel quite right”
  • Always wash your hands, and ask others to do the same, in caring for baby: Studies show good hand washing is the best way to prevent infection. Sometimes we are in such a rush to care for a crying baby, we forget to care for ourselves. Always wash your hands after using the toilet and before and after each diaper change. Always wash your hands before nursing your baby. Share this habit with family and friends
  • Avoid crowds: Limit excursions to high-traffic public places where groups gather. For example, go to the mall early or late to avoid the hordes of people; if you see a crowded elevator, wait for the next one. This is especially important during the fall and winter cold and flu seasons
  • Protect against flu: It’s safe to get the flu shot during pregnancy or afterward; your partner needs one too. During flu season, your preemie will be more susceptible than other babies. This is also true for families with a toddler in the home. Ask your healthcare provider if your preemie (born at less than 32 weeks) should have any available protective injections

Preemie’s First-Year Risks

Call your healthcare provider if you see any of the following in your preemie:

  • Fever, or variations in her temperature
  • Feeding or weight gain problems
  • Difficulty breathing, including asthma-like sounds
  • Any signs of infection, including redness or warmth, lethargy, fever, sleeping longer or a lack of interest in feeding
  • Intestinal problems like vomiting, colic or gas
  • Eye problems
  • Being overly sensitive to light or sound


Late Preterm Baby: How To Care For

Baby Premature: How To Protect Them

Premature Baby Expectations

Pumping For your premature Baby

Premature Baby Care At Home

In partnership with HUGGIES check out all of our nurse expert-authored advice on diapering, including Practicing Mindful Diapering and our Diaper Rash Guide.

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