Around 40 million Americans snore—or struggle to get a good night’s sleep.

What’s worse, they’re disturbing their partner’s sleep as well.

Don’t settle for snoring

Did you know that snoring is the 3rd most common cause of divorce in the US?

In the UK, one third of all couples admit they sleep apart because of snoring; it has become a permanent solution to a solvable problem. But sleeping apart isn’t healthy in a relationship. It can lead to resentment and a lack of intimacy and you risk no longer feeling connected as a couple.

When one bed partner snores, the other usually wakes exhausted and feels fatigued throughout the day. This can cause irritability, mood swings, a lack of concentration, slower reflexes, impaired cognitive function—even falling asleep behind the wheel.

Worse yet, poor sleep is linked to heart disease and diabetes. If you snore, you’re risking lung dysfunction and stroke, particularly if your snoring is caused by sleep apnea.

Silence the rumble

Snoring is caused by a physical obstruction, usually in the upper airway. If you or your partner snores, seek help from an ear, nose and throat specialist.

There are non-intrusive procedures that can be done in your provider’s office that don’t involve a cumbersome nighttime mask and machine.

Remember, your relationship is worth the trouble it takes to fix your sleep problems!

Solve Snoring Issues

Try these simple changes to see if they’ll solve your snoring problems; if not, see your healthcare provider.

  • If you have excess weight, lose 5-10 pounds: Extra weight causes snoring, and even that little weight loss can dramatically improve your breathing while you sleep.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking irritates and dries your mucous membranes, causing snoring.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or take a sedative before bed. These lower muscle tone in your upper airways, causing snoring or making it worse.
  • Change your sleep position. Sleeping on your back can collapse the muscles in your throat; try side sleeping.

Practice good sleep habits and see your care provider if these tips don’t find you waking rested.

  • Use your bedroom for sex and sleep only—remove all other distractions, such as TVs, smartphones and laptops.
  • Keep the same sleep schedule as your partner. Go to bed and wake up together at the same time each day.
  • Create a bedtime routine and use it. Consistency will teach your brain it’s time for bed.
  • Take a warm bath before bed.
  • Keep a cool, but not cold, bedroom.
  • Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills as these quickly wear off. You may wake up alert and not be able to get back to sleep, disturbing your partner.

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