Ask A NurseCategory: DiaperingWhy does mindful diapering during every diaper change matter to my baby’s development?
Anonymous asked 5 years ago

Why does mindful diapering during every diaper change matter to my baby’s development?

1 Answers
Elika Roohi Staff answered 5 years ago

Research shows that by being mindful, diapering can be more than just a routine task. Mindfulness means taking your actions off autopilot and being fully engaged in the moment. Diapering is a special opportunity to interact with, bond and support your baby’s growth. The way in which you actively engage with your baby can stimulate their brain and development and boost their growth. Research shows that by playing, giggling, laughing and babbling, you can influence your baby’s health, sense of well-being and overall growth and development.

Diapering offers chances for bonding, touch, closeness, stress reduction and comfort. Take each of the approximately 10,000 diaper-changing moments that you’ll have with your baby during diapering their lifetime to connect, provide care and boost overall growth and development.

Mindful diapering is paying attention to every moment with your baby during changing time. It’s seeing how baby is expressing their moods—your baby is giving you clues! Does baby seem happy? Irritated? Excited? Take this time to watch for and learn your baby’s expressions. Initially, you’ll change up to 12 diapers a day—that’s 12 chances each day to hug your baby, connect, bond and form fun rituals that turn this ordinary activity into something extraordinary.