Mindfulness Training for ADHD

by: Carolyn Cockey


Mindfulness Training for ADHD

Children with ADHD are generally treated with medication, yet this tactic alone doesn’t work for as many as one-third of those kids. So experts speculated what might happen if mindfulness training was added as a behavioral treatment.

After an 8-week “MYmind” intervention with at least one parent, there were improvements in focus among both kids with ADHD and their parents. 

“A striking result was that parents especially benefited from this training,” researchers wrote, after observing an increase in mindful parenting, self-compassion and an improvement in mental health among the parents.

These effects were still measurable 6 months after the end of the training. As for the kids in the study, 1-in3 children improved self-control following MYmind, whereas only 1-in-10 improved when following only regular care.

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Carolyn Cockey